Podcasts for anti-discriminatory learning and teaching

The objective of this method is to help workshop participants recognise why the Archive of Refuge is relevant to them. With this in mind, the method draws on narratives from the Archive of Refuge as examples to illustrate how racism and other forms of discrimination with an intersectional impact are rooted in society. The participants’ own perspectives on experiencing racism and discrimination should be recorded in an audio format during the workshop. This means inviting the participants to record their experiences and impressions around this theme in conversation form. Participants can then work together to turn these recordings into a podcast. In the course of implementing this method, participants are introduced to podcasting as a technique that serves autonomous learning and helps to deepen knowledge. Questions and interview guidelines for the podcast are formulated by the participants themselves, centring on video sequences in the Archive of Refuge and on their own experiences.


multi-day workshop  – 3 x 4 hours 


15 years and over 


racism and discrimination at school, belonging, identification, racist continuities, everyday racism, recognising racist language and concepts, structural and institutional racism, intersectionality, handling racism, skills and strategies for handling racism, empowerment and community


  • podcasts
  • mobile recording devices
  • audio production (Audacity)


  • laptops able to access the Internet 
  • smartphones/headsets
  • recording devices (memory cards and batteries)
  • Internet/online access

Bridge to the Archive of Refuge 

The Archive is activated by using the selected sequences as a basis for communicating knowledge. The selected passages indicate broader structural connections by referring, for example, to the exclusion that results from not knowing German or from the use of terms to designate otherness. When activating the Archive, particular attention is paid to the language used in the video interviews. This is an introduction to the complex thematic material. The Archive is used both as a foundation and as a topic for discussion in the podcasts to be recorded. The narratives about individual refugee experiences brought together in the Archive are all different, but at the same time there are structural similarities between them. The objective of the podcast method is to make these racist structures – such as racism and the experience of discrimination – a topic for discussion and to turn the spotlight on them. The approach to exploring the Archive is participatory in that the participants are asked about the things that strike them when watching the video interviews and about how they respond personally to the themes. 

Video sequences

Levent Konca

From Turkey, in Germany since 2004

Example: intersectional discrimination


discrimination – 1:30:30

Saideh Saadat-Lendle

From Iran, in Germany since 1985


Example: internalised racism and experiences of everyday racism in German life.


racism – 2:01:46
racist violence on the street
aggression and racism in today’s society



Example: experience of everyday racism and open displays of racist violence; terms expressing otherness in a racist context


racism and fear of the other in Germany – 1:52:57

Education setting | Face-to-face + online

Participants agree within the workshop on the formats and spectrum for publishing a series of podcast episodes. Digital formats such as collaborative Hedge Doc, for example, lend themselves to preserving project outcomes and displaying them on a fast, lean website. 

The format can also be implemented online but this can be detrimental to interview quality. The face-to-face format permits more active group work.

Detailed description of the workshop/module


It is a good idea when preparing for the workshop to acquire an in-depth grasp of the thematic field. To convey a critique of racism, it is essential to perceive racism (and anti-Semitism) as being rooted in society, not as an individual problem. Workshop leaders should have a fundamental knowledge of racism and its typical manifestations in everyday life. One key to preparation is to recognise one’s own complicity in simplified statements about the world and in stereotyped thinking that marks young people or work colleagues as “other”. Another element of preparation is to explore existing podcasts that address the critique of racism. Some familiarity with the recording devices to be used is also required, so that any questions asked by workshop participants can be properly answered.

In the run-up to the workshop, it is a good idea to visit the framework where the workshop will be held and the available premises. It must be clear beforehand who will play what role in the space and who will be present. It is also important to obtain the consent of interviewees if the podcast is going to be published.


A sociometric exercise serves to address questions that arise when getting to know each other. Different perspectives will already be evident from the history of workshop participants and the way names are used. This is followed by agreeing together on a protected space, so that an introduction to the theme “experiences of racism and discrimination” can lay the ground for the next steps.

Day 1:

Start: Check-in (10 minutes)

Module 1: Introduction to workshop aims and structure 

Clarification of the concept “protected space” followed by introduction to and exploration of the Archive (90 minutes)

The aims of the podcast workshop are also explained at this point. The Archive of Refuge provides the springboard for exploring podcasts as a media format and for work on media practice. Specific sequences are presented that have been tagged explicitly in the digital Archive as relevant to racial discrimination, exclusion or racism.

During this first stage of work, participants are told about the idea behind the Archive, its genesis and its goals. They are involved as much as possible in this discourse. Questions might be: Where do you see potential for the Archive? Can the Archive contribute to countering racial discrimination in German society? Addressing these issues is also intended to trigger an exchange between participants and offer them initial suggestions for what to talk about in their interviews, how to formulate questions and how to structure the podcast.

Concepts are analysed, factual background provided, complex contexts summarised and considered in greater depth.

The “protected space” concept serves to agree on how everyone wants to shape this space together – or in other words, how to establish a climate where participants value one another rather than simply reacting to comments. The aim is to conduct open conversations where everything can be addressed without people having to worry about their words being turned against them. A protected space generates an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality.

This is followed by input on the themes of racism (critique) and awareness of racism in language. Differences should be flagged up between the terms people use to designate themselves and those they apply to others. Major definitions and concepts are explained in the presentation. The workshop leaders will distribute a glossary that reflects a critical awareness of racism and takes a close, critical look at ambivalent and problematic terms.

> Glossary

As homework, participants will be invited to look through the glossary with a view to being careful about reproducing racist assumptions during the podcast discussions.

Module 2: Introduction to podcasts as a (self-) learning method, exchange about what has been heard, formulation of questions, bridge to the Archive (about 120 minutes)

At this group stage, the participants will break out into small groups. The workshop leaders distribute lists of podcasts with QR codes linking straight to the relevant episodes. Task_1_List of podcast episodes 

Episodes are allocated to the groups by lottery. Then everyone withdraws for the listening stage, ideally making notes as they listen and identifying links with the Archive. Participants are encouraged to start thinking about the structure of their own podcast episode.

After half-an-hour, the groups return and share observations about what they have heard. This exchange might help to generate questions for the podcast. After listening, the workshop participants have a chance to process what was said and deepen the insights they have gained.

This stage is followed by reflections and a round of feedback. During this exchange, participants reflect on the content they have heard and evaluate links with the video interviews in the Archive.

Possible questions for reflection:

  • What new things have you learnt so far?
  • Does the content of these video sequences seem familiar from your own life?
  • What prejudices do you yourself have that you might like to revisit?
  • Do you expect to start giving more thought to the critique of racism?
  • What did you think of the atmosphere today?
  • How are you feeling now?
  • Did you feel safe in the space today?
  • How do you feel about tomorrow?

Day 2:

Start: Check-in and recap (10 minutes)

Module 3: Introduction to podcast production as media practice (about 60 minutes)

This starts with input and exchange about podcasts as a source of knowledge. Leaders and participants discuss the pros and cons of podcasts together. The opportunities created by producing podcasts are explained and the creation of a podcast series is put forward.

Module 4: Discussion of criteria for good recording quality (about 10 minutes)


> agree on roles

> find a quiet place 

> discuss the interview guidelines

Module 5: Discussion of audio equipment and preparations for recording (about 30 minutes)

> structure the themes: think about primary and secondary/back-up questions

> formulate a rough interview guideline for the sound recording

> agree on roles: Who will be the presenter? Who will answer the questions?

> trial recordings

> record the interview


> How did you like today’s workshop?

> What did you think of the atmosphere?

> What could have been done differently?

> What will you take home with you?

Day 3:

Start: Check-in and recap (10 minutes)

Module 6: Post-production – introduction to audio editing (about 90 minutes)


Presentation of examples from the recorded material

Introduction to Audacity and initial orientation:

  1. open Audacity 
  2. name and save your project
  3. generate tracks, import audio files and check out functions (solo, mute, gain, pan)
  4. tools: select, align 
  5. edit and crossfade (fade in/fade out)

Note: A manual explaining the software is available online.

Edit the material with the sound editing software (trimming verbal slips, adjusting volume, effects)

Module 7: Distribution options (about 90 minutes)

On the third day, we take a deeper look at the next and final stage: post-production. This includes an introduction to possible distribution channels and platforms like Soundcloud, Spotify or podcast platforms, as in this case.

We discuss the options for digital storage sites online.

Content management systems are presented as an option for broader podcast dissemination. Copyright issues and licences are explained.

The task here is to compose teasers (3-5 sentences) about the episodes. For this task, the participants divide into small groups and are given 45 minutes to share ideas about the recorded episode, possibly listen again, and identify words that aptly summarise the episode. Then the teasers are shared with other groups for review.

Once all the texts have been reviewed, the texts are integrated into the selected platforms.


General feedback 

  • What did you think of the atmosphere today?
  • How do you rate the role of the workshop leaders?
  • Was the playtest conducted in a suitable place?
  • What was good or bad about the amount of time allotted to the workshop?

Exploring the Archive of Refuge

  • Are you interested in the Archive of Refuge?
  • Are you curious to see other videos from the Archive of Refuge?
  • Would you have liked more time to watch a particular video? To watch more videos?
  • Did the Archive content touch you emotionally? Or didn’t it affect you?
  • Did you learn anything about the critique of racism and recognising racist language?

Podcasting technique

  • Was the link between podcasting technique and the Archive of Refuge understandable?
  • Was the equipment (operating the recorder, recording functions) explained clearly and adequately?
  • Was the introduction to the editing software adequate and clear?
  • Did the recording phase work out? Were there any challenges?
  • Would you have liked more or less time for production?
  • Do you think you might make your own podcasts in future?


Post-production is the stage when you edit the material you have recorded and perhaps also distribute the podcasts more widely. Feedback is also embedded within the post-production process so that the method can later be optimised and options for improvement can be identified.

Further information, tools and aids 

Preparation aids [in German]:







Editing software – Audacity (open source)


FURTHER READING [mostly in German]:

“Der weiße Fleck-eine Anleitung zum antirassistischen Denken” by Mohamed Amjahid

“Plantation Memories: Episodes of everyday racism” by Grada Kilomba (https://schwarzemilch.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/kilomba-grada_2010_plantation-memories.pdf)

“Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen, aber wissen sollten” by Alice Hasters

“Muslimaniac. Die Karriere eines Feindbildes” by Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç

“Sprache und Sein” by Kübra Gümüşay

“Deutschland Schwarz Weiß” by Noah Sow

“Rassismus. Strukturelle Probleme brauchen strukturelle Lösungen!” by Natasha Kelly

“Desintegriert euch!” by Max Czollek

“Rassismus bildet: Bildungswissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Normalisierung und Subjektivierung in der Migrationsgesellschaft” by Paul Mecheril and Anne Broden

“Critique of racism. Rassismustheorie und Forschung” by Paul Mecheril and Claus Melter

“re/visionen – Postkoloniale Perspektiven von People of Color auf Rassismus, Kulturpolitik und Widerstand in Deutschland” by Kien Nghi Ha, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai, Sheila Mysoreka

“Mythen Masken und Subjekte: Kritische Weissseinsforschung in Deutschland” by Maisha Eggers, Peggy Piesche, Susan Arndt and Grada Kilomba

“Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache” by Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard

“Rassismus: Die Schwierigkeit, nicht rassistisch zu sein” by Susan Arndt